Managing Meltdowns-How to Keep Your Cool When Your Child Loses Theirs Register
Tantrums, meltdowns, falling out…whatever you call it, most kids do it at some point, and most adults don’t know how to respond. While there is no one magic trick to stopping these challenging times, we do know that your child won’t be able to maintain their calm unless you do it first (which isn’t easy!).
Our presenter will provide some insight into why tantrums happen (hint: they’re a part of typical development!) and strategies for managing your own emotions so that you can respond in the best way possible WHEN (not IF) it happens again.
Presented by Alison Devine, CCTC Intern
THIS WORKSHOP IS FREE and available to everyone, although pre-registration is required. Most CCTC workshops can be used for one hour of Parenting Education credits. This workshop will be presented in English.
Register by clicking here today!
If you have any questions, please Stephanie Harmelin at