The Jason Lenet Fund of Children’s Crisis Treatment Center (CCTC) was established in the fall of 2005 by Mark and Laura Lenet as a lasting tribute to their son, Jason, who passed away on January 28, 2004. Managed by CCTC, the Fund serves as a living legacy of Jason’s giving spirit and kind heart.
Managed by CCTC, the Fund serves as a living legacy of Jason’s giving spirit and kind heart. Since the fund’s establishment in 2005, contributions have helped provide critical services to thousands of children in the Philadelphia region who have been profoundly impacted by the effects of abuse, neglect, trauma, and other challenges to early childhood development. Jason loved life, loved others, and wanted nothing more than to help put a smile on the faces of the people that he touched.
This is why, for Jason’s family, there is no better way to honor his memory and spirit than by supporting the work of CCTC in its efforts to help children heal and grow into happy, healthy young adults.
To support the Jason Lenet Fund, please donate below:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead