
We are excited to announce that we are gearing up for our premier fundraising event, the 22nd Annual Roundup! This year’s Roundup is set to take place on Friday, December 6, 2024 at The Grand Belle at The Bellevue Hotel and is being co-chaired by Dr. Laurie Loevner and Donna Slipakoff and we are pleased to be honoring Lavinia and Michael Smerconish with CCTC’s Civic Leadership Award.

The Roundup Legacy

The Roundup was born in 1996 and was held at 30th Street Station. From there, the event was held bi-annually until 2004 when it was moved to the National Constitution Center. The 2004 Roundup was such a success, it was decided that the Roundup would be held annually in the years to come. Since then, the Roundup has been held at Pier 1 in the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Peche Sherman Mills, The Franklin Institute, and the Curtis Center.

As the Roundup continues to grow, CCTC has been fortunate to have the involvement of many phenomenal individuals from Philadelphia and its surrounding communities who are dedicated to CCTC’s mission.

Proceeds from the Roundup allow CCTC to continue providing high-quality, comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to children and their families living in the Philadelphia region. These services address the effects of abuse, neglect, and other challenges to early childhood development and assist children in reaching their full potential within their homes, community, and society.

Why does CCTC host such a large event every year?

  • To raise funds to support the agency’s mission.
  • To create awareness of CCTC’s program and services.
  • To gain partnerships with corporations and individuals in an effort to increase the sources of funding support for the agency.

For more information, please contact Johanna Torres,
Development & Events Manager,
at or 215.496.0707 x1137.


Event Co-chairs

Dr. Laurie Loevner and Donna Slipakoff


Lavinia & Michael Smerconish

Committee Members

Pamela & John Berman
Francis X. Gallagher
Kate Jiggins
Andrea & Warren Kantor
John Kelley
Sharon & Joseph Kestenbaum
Andrea Krakower
Leslie Gomez
Laura & Mark Lenet
Dr. Laurie Loevner
Wendy H. Rosen
Dr. Seun Ross
Lynn Schecter
David Schwartz
Gregory R. Seitter & Marcello Luzi
Mark F. Seltzer & Angela Segal
Donna Slipakoff
Barbara Sylk
JoAnn & Howard Wurzak

2024 Sponsors


Lavinia & Michael Smerconish


Dr. Laurie Loevner
Donna & Jerry Slipakoff
Tzedakah Foundation


Catherine & Mark H. Loevner Family Foundation
Charles & Helen Reichert Family Foundation
EBE Talent
The Kestenbaum Family Foundation & The Tobin Family Foundation


Brandywine Realty Trust
Cozen O’Connor
Exude Inc.
Jill & Mark Fishman
Francis X. Gallagher
Jon & Hillary Goodman
Natalie & Jim Hennessy
Ruth & Rick Horowitz
Kate & Julian Jiggins
Andrea & Warren Kantor
Stacy J & Chris McDonnell
John Moeller Jr. & Joe Carlucci
Gregory R. Seitter & Marcello Luzi
Lenny & Barbara Sylk
Buz & Janet Teacher


DePaul’s Table Steakhouse
The Haverford Trust Company
Omega Systems
Yael & Brett Rhode
The Specter Foundation
Randi Zemsky & Bob Lane

Chief Deputy

The Alliance of Community Service Providers
Pamela & John Berman
EisnerAmper LLP
Anne Gwal
Johnson Kendall Johnson, Inc.
John & Debbie Kelley
Jamie & Warren Klein
Laura & Mark Lenet
Maribeth & Steve Lerner
The Lundy Law Foundation
M&T Bank
Parkway Corporation
Wendy & Paul Rosen
Lynn & Howard Shecter