Therapeutic Nursery
CCTC’s Therapeutic Nursery is a pre-school program designed for children ages 2 1/2 through 5 with significant behavioral challenges. Designed to fill all the functions of a regular pre-school program, the Therapeutic Nursery combines therapeutic interventions and pre-school curricula in a warm and playful atmosphere.
The primary goal of the program is to avert the need for more restrictive levels of support by providing the type of structured and nurturing care necessary to enable young children with behavioral challenges to transition back to the regular school setting.
The intimate setting of the Nursery provides individualized and group care to each of their students. In addition to providing high-quality, trauma-informed individual and group clinical interventions, Therapeutic Nursery professionals offer play and creative art therapy, psychiatric services, speech therapy, and provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks.
Contact: Monica Valente, Program Director